Di Sofia Lezin

B1 Preliminary for Schools

The B1 Preliminary for Schools exam consists of three different parts: Reading and Writing, Listening, Speaking. At Paolo VI the preparation course is suggested to students in their the last year by our English teachers.  This school year, the course started in September and lasted ‘till March. We were divided into two groups of about […]

The B1 Preliminary for Schools exam consists of three different parts: Reading and Writing, Listening, Speaking.

At Paolo VI the preparation course is suggested to students in their the last year by our English teachers. 

This school year, the course started in September and lasted ‘till March. We were divided into two groups of about seven each, one with Mrs. Capriotti and the other with Mrs. Galbiati.

The purpose of B1 Preliminary for Schools qualification is to certify that a student has mastered the basics of English and now has practical language skills for everyday use.

B1 is the level required at the end of the second year of high school.

The Speaking test has four parts, in the first you will respond to some questions, giving factual or personal information; in the second, you will have to describe an image that will be given to you by the examiner; in the third, you and your mate are going to talk together about a situation. In the fourth you will discuss likes, dislikes, experiences, habits, opinions…

The examiner will assess the spoken interaction and the correct employment of the language, like arguing the answers, and know how to carry on a conversation.

The Speaking lasts ten minutes.

In the Reading part of the exam there are six exercises and the Writing part includes the written production of an email or the writing of a story of which the opening sentence is given, or the writing of an article about, for example, music, school, friends, sport… 

The Reading and Writing exams last one hour and a half. 

The Listening part is made up of four parts,where you have to listen to a recording and choose the right option.

The Listening test lasts 30 minutes. 

My experience was very beautiful, sometimes tiring and stressful but I have always been accompanied by my teachers and my classmates, and in the end I’m very satisfied with my results!

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